Sunday, November 7, 2010


We are obsessed! I’ve been a LOST fan for awhile now but I’ve only just turned Steven into a LOST crazy. After only the second episode he was quoting it.! When the last season ended I didn’t know what to do. I felt like I lost 6 of my best friends. But now… THEY’RE BACK!!!


Tyler and Jess said...

Hey Katie! You're probably wondering who the heck I am! Well, I'm Stevens cousin, formerly a Barrow... I am Jessica Payne. I was roaming facebook and saw that you have a blog! Super cute. I love your engagement pictures! And I'm so excited to go to ya'll's houston reception and see all the family for the holidays. Anyways.. CONGRATS to you and Steven! Awesome.

Tyler and Jess said...

oh and I've got a blog too... its attached to my facebook. Just in case you need something to do while you "study"... hehe