Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wow, sorry I'm terrible at blogging... I'll make a couple of posts of the cool things we did because writing about them collectively would take way to much time
(I'll post pictures tomorrow)

EGYPT, Things I learned:
-The pyramids are more wonderful then you could even imagine. The best word I can think to describe them would be astonishing or magnificent.
-Besides bats, I think camels are the weirdest looking animals. They're so pre-historic. They're like a giraffe and horse but in the same body. So weird…
-Heavenly Father answers prayers, even for the dumbest things, like not getting eaten by flees while on an over night train ride.
-After a week of the ugliest, crankiest, hottest, and most tired you've EVER been, for some reason you become even better friends with the people you're with including all of my teachers.
-Floating down the Nile River while the sun was setting = unforgettable.
-Getting bitten by misquotes while on the west side of the Nile and realizing that West Nile was a very much possibility was surprisingly hilarious.
- I would not recommend carb loading for a week straight.
-I'm grateful for fruits and vegetables. In Egypt we couldn't eat any of those because they wash them in the Nile and the Nile is SICK!
-The culture there is completely different. Even from the people here in Jerusalem. Slum Dog Millionaire kept coming to mind as I have never seen more unfinished buildings.
-I’m TERRIBLE at bartering!

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